Quick-start guide: 4 steps to start selling Marketplace health & dental plans
STEP 1. Create an account
IMPORTANT: Already have a CMS Enterprise Portal account? Don't create another! You'll just need to renew for 2019. Don't follow the steps on this page. See how to renew for 2019.
Go to the CMS Enterprise Portal at https://portal.cms.gov/
Select New User Registration (in the box at the upper right) and create an account.
STEP 2. Identify yourself as an agent or broker & confirm your identity
Log in to your new Enterprise Portal account at https://portal.cms.gov/
Select Request Access Now.
Select the FFM/Training - Agents/Brokers/Assisters tile.
Select FFM Agent Broker from the dropdown menu.
STEP 3. Take required training (FFM certification)
IMPORTANT: You can take free training from CMS, or sign up for a paid course through a CMS-approved vendor. Vendor training may offer continuing education units (CEUs). Free CMS training doesn't offer CEUs.
Log in to the CMS Enterprise Portal at https://portal.cms.gov/
Select Complete Agent Broker Training.
Select the Access Training link next to Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS) or a CMS-approved vendor.
Complete the required profile information and select Save/Update. (If you're taking training with a CMS-approved vendor, you'll do this before signing the CMS Privacy and Security agreements.)
Select the appropriate curriculum (Individual Market or SHOP).
Enroll in the curriculum and select Complete Enrollment.
Complete all required training.
STEP 4. Add products to your portfolio
Communicate with us!
Once you have completed your FFM certification, reach out to us to get contracted and appointed with the carriers of your choice.
Click here to view our carrier partners 'ACA Health Plans'and request a contract!
Keystone Advisors offers contracts with top national carriers! Contact us today to get
started: keystoneadvisorsproduceracademy.com, 866-469-4921 or