1. Less Stressful and Faster Contracting Process
Time flies, especially when you are in the middle of the MAPD contracting process. Why wait until a month before AEP to start? Between carrier and product contracting and certifying, it is a time-consuming process that only gets more time-consuming as more and more agents decide to start their contracting process for AEP.
Beat the rush and the stress by beginning your contracting and certifying process for AEP a bit earlier; this will allow you to have more personal attention from your FMO or carrier and less concern for time constraints. By getting contracted prior to AEP, you will find the process to be quicker and also avoid omitting any important product contracts from your portfolio.
2. Additional Sales Opportunities
While AEP is the busiest time of year for Medicare agents, there are other opportunities for agents to enroll new clients. Initial enrollments periods and special enrollment periods also provide significant sales potential for Medicare agents outside of AEP.
Initial Enrollment Period- With the Baby-Boomer population quickly and increasingly aging into Medicare eligibility, IEPs will continue to offer an increasingly large pool of potential Medicare clients. By 2030 the Medicare population is estimated to increase by up to 48%. Make sure and be there to enroll them during and outside of AEP.
Special Enrollment Period- The other way to enroll clients outside of AEP is via SEP. These enrollments can be made via a Qualifying Life Event or through dual-eligibility clients who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid and can be enrolled in D-SNP plans.
3. A Business- Optimizing Portfolio
Having a complete portfolio can be the difference between making a sale or upselling on top of a plan and not making a sale at all. Ensure you do the research and are contracted and ready to sell with the plans you need to succeed in the area you are selling. By not waiting until AEP to get contracted with MAPD plans, you give yourself time to research which plans you need and to complete the contracting process, optimizing your portfolio for success leading up to and during AEP.
Get ahead of the competition, start your contracting process earlier and afford yourself the sales potential of IEP and SEP while reducing the stress of the pre-AEP contracting rush. Maximize your business potential this year, inside and outside of the annual enrollment period.
Now is the perfect time to start selling MA and PDP plans if you aren’t already. If you are looking to get into this business or just looking to increase what you are already selling, give us a call at 346-233-1992. Our Agent specialists are standing by to give you one-on-one support. https://www.keystoneadvisorsproduceracademy.com/partnerwithkeystoneadvisors